The Etana

  1. Stateroom
  2. Sensors
  3. Maneuver Drive
  4. Jump Drive
  5. Fresher
  6. Power Plant
  7. Air/Raft Docking
  8. Double Turret
  9. Office
  10. Common Area
  11. Ship's Locker
  12. Bridge
  13. Multi-Environment Space
  14. Launch Docking
  15. Cargo Hold
  16. Trophy Lounge
  17. Fuel Scoops/Processors
  18. Airlock
  19. Fuel


The Etana is classified as a Type K Safari Ship, a flexible streamlined 200 ton hull capable of Jump-2. In its docking bay it also contains a Launch, Air Raft and ATV (aboard the Launch). Accomodations onboard come in the form of 11 standard staterooms and a common lounge. In addition to a 14 ton cargo hold, the vessel also has 2 8-ton Multi-Environment spaces for hosting cargo with more particular environmental needs. Though it has a modest Thrust-1 M-Drive, the ship is equipped with a Fuel Scoop to provide some independence away from civilization, and Jump Control/2 software to provide for interstellar navigation.


Further details on the ship.

Some more ship details, maybe some pictures, deck plan, etc.

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