Etana Crew Registry

Bryson Tarn

(30m, 3 term Noble Dilettante)
DOB: 293-10-22 Homeworld: Marinox

Primary owner of the Etana, Bryson hails from Marinox, a comfortable world dotted with archipelagos in the Ilmari Expanse. Born to a noble family, he wandered the local stellar region enjoying a carefree life until the war and recent political maneuvering started impinging on his lifestyle. He now seeks his own path aboard the Etana

Life Events

Reno Morrison

(38m, 5 term Star Marine)
DOB: 286-??-?? Homeworld: Hellas-3

Born among the belters, he sought a better life through the military academy on Hellas III. After a full career he is now a retired Colonel of the NSP Star Marines, looking to travel and experience life on his own terms now that familial and military obligations are behind him, hopefully with less life and death at stake.

Life Events

Bode Cabbott

(50m, Navy, Merchant Marine, Civilian Trucking, Salvage, Merchant Marine)
DOB: 274-??-?? Homeworld: Steerage

A man with a lifetime on the spacelanes in various roles and the stories to back it up, Bode Cabbott (or "Boxcars") can always use work, and he's found it aboard the Etana.

Life Events

Maulleigh Wratchet

(30f, 2 terms Army Support, 1 term Citizen?)
DOB: 294-??-?? Homeworld: Marinox

Born on Marinox, Maulleigh worked her hardest to gain admission to the ranks of the local Marinox army during a time of local difficulties. Despite initial setbacks, she gained a positive reputation among local forces. After serving a couple of terms she decided to use the skills she had picked up for more humanitarian purposes outside the armed forces as part of an Ilmari aid organization. Now, missing the camraderie of earlier days and after picking up word that Bryson Tarn was putting together a crew, she got in contact with her old friend and before she knew it, she'd really made some things come together and finds herself embarking on a new adventure.

Life Events

Margot Parsons

(30f, )
DOB: 294-??-?? Homeworld: ????????

Margot has a short stint in the Commonwealth Scout Service before being pressed into service in a law enforcement capacity. After a situation of local corruption and politics she managed to address in a way satisfactory to her, she left her position to pursue something more in line with her dreams. She decided her new frontier would be acting as a settler at a colony. She thrived in the role, taking on serious responsibilites until a chance meeting with a doctor rekindled her interest in exploring the stars. Through her contacts she was able to call in her favors to formalize ownership of a share aboard a Safari Class craft. She was going to the stars, on her terms, with a few friends she's picked up along the way. She's not a bad pilot, either.

Life Events

Mae McPherson

(30f, )
DOB: 294-??-?? Homeworld: ????????

Mae attended university in pursuit of a medical degree. She succeeded in this with flying colors and found work without issue. Shortly after obtaining her first position she decided to work with Doctors Without Horizons, an aid organization addressing the needs of at-risk communities. Apparently unable to settle anywhere for long, Mae was swayed by her friend Maulleigh to join the crew of the Etana.

Life Events

Deacon Caffrey

DOB: ???-??-?? Homeworld: ????????
(4xm, x terms Entertainer [Journalist], x terms Navy)

A member of the crew of the Etana

Life Events


DOB: 294-??-?? Homeworld: Iriadis
(30m, )

A member of the crew of the Etana

Life Events

Boze Harrow

DOB: ???-??-?? Homeworld: ????????

Retired Captain of the New Sun Protectorate Navy

Life Events

Other Crew Member

DOB: ???-??-?? Homeworld: ????????

A member of the crew of the Etana

Life Events

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