Etana Crew Registry

Bryson Tarn
(30m, 3 term Noble Dilettante)
DOB: 293-10-22 Homeworld: Marinox
Primary owner of the Etana, Bryson hails from Marinox, a comfortable world dotted with archipelagos in the Ilmari Expanse. Born to a noble family, he wandered the local stellar region enjoying a carefree life until the war and recent political maneuvering started impinging on his lifestyle. He now seeks his own path aboard the Etana
Life Events
- [312-315]: He spent a number of years just out of school travelling the local subsector on family money. While some of this time involved both obligatory and desired interactions/duties with other local minor nobles, mostly it was split between visiting other worlds for essentially recreational purposes and spending time in cities with large universities, where he immersed himself in the local arts and party scenes, and had his share of crazy nights [Streetwise].
- [314]: Also during these early years, he got word that a very dear friend of his had perished. Devastated, he was lucky to be close enough to attend her funeral, where he made the acquaintance of her college roommate Molly (Alisha's PC). The event had also devastated Molly, such that she found herself unable to continue her studies. They ended up spending some months together, processing their shared grief by escaping all responsibility, sailing to the more wild and scenic islands of Marinox, living disconnected from the outside world(s). [Athletics]
- [319-320]: In his mid-20s he found himself caught up in a bit of a conspiracy. Local nobles in the area were in resistance to Commonwealth influence on their worlds. Bryon had little choice in the matter and found himself having to get involved. Maybe the first time he was really forced to be responsible for anything, he was able to keep the resistance from being discovered by Commonwealth forces and allies. [Persuade]
- [Late 320]: During the time of local resistance against the Commonwealth, he found himself working with a Law Enforcement agent with Commonwealth connections. Margot Parsons (Tracy's PC) had dreams of exploring the galaxy, but the Commonwealth had little interest in employing her with the Commonwealth Scout Service, instead deploying her to represent Commonwealth interests by proxy through a client government's law enforcement agency. Margot seemingly found the methods of the Commonwealth oppressive and objectionable, and found herself in a life she didn't exactly ask for. Working together, Byron and Margot took steps to impair Commonwealth efforts to exert local control, and grabbed a bit of something for themselves in the process. In the end, it all turned out, as after the war the locals regained self-governance, and through some slick financial maneuvering a Commonwealth law enforcement agent with dreams of travelling the stars eventually ended up with a ship share of the Etana. [Broker]
- [321-324]: Throughout his late 20s, entanglements seemed to accumulate, the carefree days he'd enjoyed before were now being interrupted by politics and power plays. In the waning days of the war, various players were trying to set themselves up well in whatever the new order would come to be. Bryson found himself needing to choose sides and flatter some while also not offending others. Bryson was not looking forward to a life of this. He didn't aspire to be a power player, nor was he interested in being too beholden to these power players to keep the privileges and freedom he enjoyed before all of these entanglements. He had to find a way out. [Steward, 1 Ally, 1 Rival]
Reno Morrison
(38m, 5 term Star Marine)
DOB: 286-??-?? Homeworld: Hellas-3
Born among the belters, he sought a better life through the military academy on Hellas III. After a full career he is now a retired Colonel of the NSP Star Marines, looking to travel and experience life on his own terms now that familial and military obligations are behind him, hopefully with less life and death at stake.
Life Events
- Left home in the belt to arrive at Helas III. This came courtesy of an Academy Officer wanting to take Reno under their wing hoping to lead them into officer training. There is plenty of land in the NSP for loyal citizens and their families. Never seeing himself as a leader, Reno took the offer, it meant getting his family out of the belt and onto real land, breathing real air
- In the battle of Carynx, Reno found himself trapped on the surface the moon in vacuum. He managed to survive for two weeks by hiding among the wrecked and derelict ships littering the surface, siphoning oxygen from near empty tanks and power from mostly dead batteries. [Survival 1]
- It was just prior to this battle that Reno met Bode, aboard the NSP Lightbringer. They traded stories of growing up in the belt and talked about homemade vacc suit mods while sipping whiskey and playing cards. It’d be a long time before their paths would cross again. [Gambling]
- It would be Naval Officer Boze Harrow that would eventually rescue him from the surface of Carynx. Harrow came in with a crew of diplomats wanting to discuss a temporary cessation of hostilities. What he actually did though was recon the dusty space junkyard of the moon looking for Reno. The two of them managed to slip away clinging to the dark side of the spacecraft that Harrow flew in on, climbing inside only after they were out of visual range. [Vacc Suit 2]
- Later, a mission led by one Force Commander Blythe, a man known for favoring full frontal assault strategies, even in the midst of pitched ship to ship battles went horribly awry. After reporting Blythe for incompetence, gross negligence, and failure of leadership Reno would be stationed under another command and the two men would become bitter rivals/enemies. [Enemy: Force Commander Blythe]
- Reno was offered advanced training in a specialist field, attempted to learn the intricacies of engineering, but lacking the background education was unable to meaningfully engage with and synthesize the material.
- As part of a Naval operation in the Ilmari Expanse, Reno led a team boarding and searching seized ships. One of which was captained by a smuggler and black marketeer named Charity Cozens. The two began a romantic relationship not long after. [Ally: Charity, Smuggler/Black Marketeer]
Bode Cabbott
(50m, Navy, Merchant Marine, Civilian Trucking, Salvage, Merchant Marine)
DOB: 274-??-?? Homeworld: Steerage
A man with a lifetime on the spacelanes in various roles and the stories to back it up, Bode Cabbott (or "Boxcars") can always use work, and he's found it aboard the Etana.
Life Events
- Wanted to be a pilot in the NSP Navy, but didn't qualify.
- Enlisted as a naval crewman on a ship of the line.
- Gambled too much, lost most of his money, but had a good 8 years.
- Until the first battle of Jada. Really fucked up when he filled in a gunner turrett position he wasn't qualified for. The ship took massive damage, and casualties, on that side that took it out of the battle. Would a qualified gunner have made the difference? We'll never know. Either way, Bode was dishonorably discharged.
- Found work as a common crewman in the merchant marine on a ship trading in the Ilmari Expanse, but they lost their ship and cargo when they got caught up in the crossfire of the ongoing battles. Ironically, it was an NSP ship that took out his merchant marine employer.
- Found work as a trucker on Delphi, but trade dried up and he was out of work. Didn't much like dirtside life anyway.
- Spent some time working salvage crews. Plenty of work there, with the ongoing conflict.
- Leveraged that to get back into merchant marine work proper.
Maulleigh Wratchet
(30f, 2 terms Army Support, 1 term Citizen?)
DOB: 294-??-?? Homeworld: Marinox
Born on Marinox, Maulleigh worked her hardest to gain admission to the ranks of the local Marinox army during a time of local difficulties. Despite initial setbacks, she gained a positive reputation among local forces. After serving a couple of terms she decided to use the skills she had picked up for more humanitarian purposes outside the armed forces as part of an Ilmari aid organization. Now, missing the camraderie of earlier days and after picking up word that Bryson Tarn was putting together a crew, she got in contact with her old friend and before she knew it, she'd really made some things come together and finds herself embarking on a new adventure.
Life Events
- She tried her hand at the army branch of the military academy. She knew it would be difficult. She wanted to try anyway. She definitely had the brawn, and nearly even had the brains, if it hadn’t been for the unfortunate death of someone very close to her, her roommate, Elliot
- At Elliot’s funeral, Maulleigh met a mutual friend, “Lord” Bryson Tarn (Ben’s character). Together, and on Lordy’s seemingly infinite funds, they escaped reality together. Maulleigh even learned how to sail.
- Nothing holds Maulleigh down for long, though. She had failed the Academy, as she knew she might, but she entered into the army anyway. There’s still a personhood in being in the support ranks. She learned explosives. She gained a reputation of being someone those above her could rely on, and gained an ally in her senior ranking officer, Corporal Sousie Stevens of the Marinox Army.
- In her second army term, Maulleigh became Corporal Wratchet and learned a thing or two about being a field medic. She felt good about her army career, but decided to see what else the universe had in store.
- The universe, it turned out, had a Doctors Without Borders pop-up hospital (on the planet wherever Jacque’s character was). There, Maulleigh and Mae (Jacque’s character) became fast friends. Together, they applied themselves to figuring out how to keep the place running amid constant power outages.
Margot Parsons
(30f, )
DOB: 294-??-?? Homeworld: ????????
Margot has a short stint in the Commonwealth Scout Service before being pressed into service in a law enforcement capacity. After a situation of local corruption and politics she managed to address in a way satisfactory to her, she left her position to pursue something more in line with her dreams. She decided her new frontier would be acting as a settler at a colony. She thrived in the role, taking on serious responsibilites until a chance meeting with a doctor rekindled her interest in exploring the stars. Through her contacts she was able to call in her favors to formalize ownership of a share aboard a Safari Class craft. She was going to the stars, on her terms, with a few friends she's picked up along the way. She's not a bad pilot, either.
Life Events
- Margot dreamed of exploring the stars and eagerly joined the Commonwealth Scout Service. During her first term in the service she suffered a minor injury, and despite her belief she'd made a full recovery and was good to continue service, the Scouts cut her loose.
- She tried to re-apply to the Scouts, but the Commonwealth instead found use for her in law enforcement. She was deployed to the Ilmari Expanse where she was tasked with enforcing law and acting as a liason to assist local government factions that had allied with and received support from Commonwealth interests. She felt she was a stabilizing force given the volatility the region had seen over the recent years.
- Unfortunately, her superiors in the region were involved in what she saw as extra-judicial self-enrichment at the expense of locals on the wrong side of events. She made the acquaintence of a young minor noble in the region, Bryson Tarn, and together they were involved with local power players and eventually resolved the situation, to each of their satisfaction. She was able to put a stop to the corruption, while Bryson was able to aid independece minded locals in being well positioned for the time when the war in the region came to an end. In the end, eventually she would come into possession of a Ship Share of the Etana as a result of the fallout from this incident.
- At the time however, in the fallout of events she decided to leave Commonwealth Law Enforcement and become a settler somewhere new. It wasn't the Scout service, but it was a new life, a new frontier. She thrived in this role, learned a lot of valuable lessons and even took on some leadership roles in the management of the settlement.
- During her time at the colony, she met Dr. Mae McPherson, a highly skilled doctor who was then working with the aid organization Doctors Without Horizons. The doctor was there to observe conditions at the colony, and they traded information about colony management and public health. The doctor's stories about the situations on other worlds rekindled Margot's desire to see worlds out on the frontier, so off she went in pursuit.
Mae McPherson
(30f, )
DOB: 294-??-?? Homeworld: ????????
Mae attended university in pursuit of a medical degree. She succeeded in this with flying colors and found work without issue. Shortly after obtaining her first position she decided to work with Doctors Without Horizons, an aid organization addressing the needs of at-risk communities. Apparently unable to settle anywhere for long, Mae was swayed by her friend Maulleigh to join the crew of the Etana.
Life Events
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
Deacon Caffrey
DOB: ???-??-?? Homeworld: ????????
(4xm, x terms Entertainer [Journalist], x terms Navy)
A member of the crew of the Etana
Life Events
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
DOB: 294-??-?? Homeworld: Iriadis
(30m, )
A member of the crew of the Etana
Life Events
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
Boze Harrow
DOB: ???-??-?? Homeworld: ????????
Retired Captain of the New Sun Protectorate Navy
Life Events
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
Other Crew Member
DOB: ???-??-?? Homeworld: ????????
A member of the crew of the Etana
Life Events
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
- Something happened [Maybe a Skill was acquired].
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