I need to keep up! Since my last post I've played in a couple Traveller sessions that need to be logged to my campaign log. I also ran a Street Fighter tournament session I called "Street Fighter 1973." On the site here I've been typing this and that into the "Design" section, but mostly idle thoughts and not solid progress. The work I really need to do there is to commit to grinding out Special Maneuvers for Rising Forces, then just walking forward, slowly making the progress. Another thing I feel like I should do in the realm of RPGs it to prep a couple/few sessions I could run at the drop of a hat. My real-life roleplaying recently has been this Traveller campaign, then with the online group we tend to play DC Heroes (though that is also the group I ran the Street Fighter 1973 session for). The problem for me is that sometimes these sessions get cancelled due to various schedule issues, and so a fill-in DnD session will happen. I'm just personally very uninterested in DnD and so don't attend those sessions, which can mean I end up with a 1 month gap or something. Seeing as these are fill-in sessions however, there is nothing that stops me from bringing an RPG session I want into the world by prepping and running myself. What should I prep?

The kinds of things I'd prep I feel need to have pre-generated characters and have solid "This is fun as a single session" appeal, also a solid 1 page rules summary. Time to brainstorm...

  • After the Bomb or Systems Failure: These are both Palladium System games, and in their way they are both post-apocalyptic. I don't super-love the Palladium system, but it could make for a fun one-shot experience.
  • AMP Year One: A supers game that doesn't seem too crunchy. Might be fun just to get experience with the system more than the time I played a GenCon session of it.
  • Blade Runner: It's a Free League game. Could it work?
  • Boot Hill 2e: I might be able to put together a nice little intense scenario with classic Western vibes. I'd like to say I've played this.
  • Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: A GDW game based on Xenozoic Tales, it is also post-apocalyptic and seems like it could support a one-shot just fine.
  • Chill 1e: Could I put together some kind of classic horror scenario?
  • Conan (TSR)/ZeFRS: Could I put together a Sword and Sorcery scenario? Is this system simple enough for what I want?
  • Golden Heroes: Supers. I'd love to get in some play of this game, but are the rules too wonky? Is it better suited to campaign play?
  • James Bond 007/Classified: It's a classic RPG, but has some crunch. I feel like prep might be a bit much.
  • Marvel Universe RPG: It's the one with the stones! It is a different enough experience, it might be cool to bring it to the group, even if it has its flaws.
  • Mazes and Minotaurs: It's a weird "What if the 1st RPG was based on Greek Myth" kind of game. Not sure, might be interesting for old-school factor. Get some Harryhousen vibes going on.
  • Star Ace: Space Opera game. I'm enamoured and would like to see it in play.
  • Talislanta 4e: Might be able to get some cartoony Sword & Sorcery vibes with this?
  • Top Secret: Top Secret / S.I. seems cool but crunchy, but I've heard love for the first edition. It might be a nice alternative to James Bond, but I need to take a look and see if it pushes my "wanna play" buttons.

Anyways, those are some ideas. Seeing as this weekend will not have me playing anything, I should try to work something up for one or more of these games so I can bring the variety I seek to the table!