This Traveller campaign is hitting unusually hard. To have this many sessions in such a short time period is unusual for our main Friday group lately. This session had me running. Given who could be there and who could not, and the fact I was running while my character is normally pretty important to the decisions made about the ship... I decided to come up with something that could all happen on Jada while the missing characters were up to other activities. The idea I eventually settled on was that an old flame of one PC was dropping by to give him a "present" in the form of some frozen super-soldiers that were part of a secret project run by his rival/enemy. It tied into a bit about how citizenship works in the New Sun Protectorate (that the PC was retired from the Star Marines of), and seemed like a potentially fruitful situation. The rival/enemy was in pursuit personally, as the revealing of this project to the public back in the NSP could definitively destroy his reputation (that was already on shaky ground). I was also informed that the PC in question was also maybe interested in picking up some military technology that was illegal locally. I thought... "Maybe between the fact his old flame is a smuggler, and his rival/enemy is desperate, maybe something will work out to make that technology available as part of a trade, or the bad guy's couple of goons might have/use it."

I'm not a primary GM and tend to get a bit nervous about it leading up to the game, and sometimes also during sessions. To compensate, I tend to want to over prepare, but usually just procrastinate and let the tension build. This session went off OK and I like some of the things I did, but I also think I need to work on maybe just dropping the big bang of an initial situation into the lap of everyone. The session started with a decent amout of fairly free messing around. Characters going to a bar, going shopping, they ended up playing a space game against some kids and their parents. I'd dropped the romantic ally in early on, but it took the players a while to grab the hook there. On the up side, when things started happening I felt I did OK giving different characters some moments. Eventually I'll learn how to GM!

Beyond Traveller, I've continued work on other parts of the site. I added an RPG Design section where I'll just blab about half formed dreams and ideas, probably. I've also just barely started on doing up a section for our DC Heroes campaign set in Empire City. I'd like to get it fleshed out to a level comparable to the Traveller section I have now.