Tomorrow is the beginning of #RPGaDay2021! This is one of those hashtag events that started 8 years ago. In previous years, the creator of the event had an RPG related question for each day of August that people would answer using the hashtag on Twitter and posting wherever else they pleased. In more recent years they have moved from specific questions towards single word prompts. They are basically a good excuse to take inspiration from the prompt word and use it as a reason to opine upon some aspect of the roleplaying hobby. The creators also encourage people to use the event to broadly inspire really any kind of RPG related content, be it tweets, blog posts, videos, drawings, or any other creative endeavor that may be sparked. This year is not too unlike recent previous years, differing only in that this year they are offering alternate prompts on days, for those times when the prompt word of the day just stumps you, but you still want to participate. Here is the list for this year:

So, I've done this in years past on Twitter and been fairly happy with it. This year will be the first year I ramp it up to full blog posts. Hopefully I'll be able to tweet something satisfactory enough that will then link to my blog here where I'll expand up on it. That means you're in for 31 days of at least daily posts, so I hope it doesn't drive you crazy! In fact, #RPGaDay is kinda what inspired me to start up this blog. I've blogged in the past, but am hoping to have launched something more consistent here at Uzis, Capes & Katanas. In addition to all the posts incoming for #RPGaDay2021, I've taken to scheduling a regular minimum 1 post a week. My idea is to bank up some posts so I have material that will come out on a regular schedule, even if I find myself in a lull for a short bit. I'm aiming for some consistent level of output, rather than bursts of activity followed by months of nothing. People leave sites like that, thinking they're dead.
Anyways, enough about all of that. Look forward to a month of RPG posts each and every day here in August, and if you're on Twitter definitely check out the #RPGaDay2021 hashtag if you're interested in what other people have to say. It's a mixed bag of course, but every year I find a few people posting some interesting stuff and maybe follow them on Twitter or add their blogs to my RSS reader. Discovery. Ciao!