The Empire City Extraordinaries

Online, with my classic RPG group from college-times, we are currently playing a DC Heroes game in a setting of our own design. It all kinda started a few years back when I played in someone else's DC Heroes game and it was the most fun I'd ever had with a supers RPG, and just rated very high with me overall. I then ran a modest campaign of my own for the usual Friday night RPG crew in a place I called Eastport. After a Street Fighter campaign with the classic, now online group, we were leaning towards running a supers game using the classic TSR Marvel Super Heroes, but my usual GM (who was a player in my Eastport DC Heroes game) kinda thought he'd like to use DC Heroes again. So, that's what we've done, and it's set in "Empire City", and we've determined it's all set in the same universe as my previous campaign, as well as the universe of some other games we've run over the years. Just to have that comic book crossover potential, ya know?

So, my aim is to get some characters and session logs in here! We have plenty of characters, and are building up to a decent number of sessions. I'll just keep building this out, and you'll see the page improve as I get time to get it all customized and laid out.