Throne of the Lizard Kings
This RPG is "What if I took the rules for Rising Forces/Street Fighter and made a fantasy RPG out of it?" In the past we've used "Stance Cards", which I can imagine using for Armor. Some of the Rising Forces ideas around how Spirit works could also be cool. As a fantasy RPG is not just about fighting, I have to consider more of the rules landscape for other activities. Clearly at a super early stage. The priority of this game is obviously below Rising Forces.
Bullet-pointed Brain Storming
Let's do it.
- Whereas Rising Forces has Spirit and Stamina, I'm thinking about magics and what powers them. Imagine "Personal Energies" ala Marvel using Stamina, "Universal Energies" ala Marvel using whatever I call the Mental pool, and "Dimensional Energies" ala Marvel using whatever I call the Social pool. Maybe even both magical and non-magical uses for these pools can be thought up. Not sure on that.
- "Classes" are not really what I'm looking for. Is a TFT-like Adventurer/Wizard split needed? Maybe nothing.
- In a sense, Styles and Techniques from Street Fighter/Rising Forces can cover a lot of what would normally be covered by "Class" in trad-fantasy RPGs. Just have the techniques and "maneuvers" cover whatever you feel should be mechanized in the game. Maneuvers from Styles get discounted costs, which isn't so unlike how TFT Adventurers and Wizards have differentiated costs for Talents/Spells really, it's just not as stark a differentiation.
- While Rising Forces has a rules focus all about Street Fighter type events, do I want to add "Maneuvers" that address things like 10 minute turns, or 4 hour shifts? Things that get at dungeon play or travel? Rising Forces has a focus on martial artists that presumes all PCs are effectively martial artists, with rules outside that being quite... serviceable but not "game" structured with subsystems, etc. When you introduce additional subsystems, you get into... issues of "balance", as far as how various characters engage and how much investment those characters need in order to effectively or meaningfully participate in the game through those subsystems...