Jungles of Zerzua

Jungles of Zerzua is a sword and sorcery fantasy RPG. The aim is for it be centered in some African fantasy, because it seems like it could be cool and is also an underserved niche. Really anything that seems cool would be pulled in, regardless of how anachronistic. For example, Nubian history runs back to at least 2000 BC, some of the interesting things from Zulu history are from the 1820s. Cool West African Kingdoms... etc. I would prefer to keep the setting broadly pre-Muslim/pre-Christian, in so much as history is paid attention to at all. There is also the question of the Mediterranean and interactions that all happened around there, be it Roman, Greek, or the Egyptians and groups like the Hittites, etc. I guess, remember that it is fantasy and sword and sorcery pulling from cool African stuff more than the usual stuff, and its not trying to be historical, it's just that there are a lot of cool things from history that could be used as inspiration.

The Sword & Sorcery vibes inform the background choices. It is a world where a single strong person can make significant impact. Civilization is a thin veneer. There may be hints of previous, now fallen grand civilization, but for the most part things are now on a smaller scale. Old previously exalted things may now just be decadent shadows of their former glory. Most leaders are little more than warlords.

Possible historical empires of interest

Rules Ruminations

My current rules inclination is inspired by my d6 "Excelsior Endeavor" implementation, which is basically a way of doing TSR Marvel Super Heroes using a d6 mechanic. But also, there is a new retro-clone coming out called "Heroic" that uses some ideas that are also reminiscient of the TSR Conan RPG I'm also liking. Basically, that you roll based relative to the difficulty of the task you are facing, instead of just rolling straight up on a chart based on your absolute Attribute rating. This is a very bare beginning that needs a lot of fleshing out.