Beyond the Unknown

It's a horror RPG! My main inspirational material is fun mid-century stuff. Anything from The Blob to spooky mansions, the Wolf Man, Dracula or weirder. In the world of RPGs, I think of Chill 1e/2e as right in the wheelhouse, but also the core nWoD book. The RPG inspiration that is hitting me even more right now is GDW's Dark Conspiracy. While it is set in a strange, particular setting, a lot of the material seems like it would also make sense for a more generic horror thing. I also like the careers, though the idea would take some tweaking. You have the mundane careers you see in Dark Conspiracy (or even Traveller: TNE), or you think of careers ala Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, or the silly "careers" we dreamed up for some silly game just post-HS. Then I have this d10 mechanic I'm liking that seems pretty adaptable to the GDW assumptions, but are different. So, a core mechanic, some careers that evoke normal folks and/or tropes.

The List of Unordered Ideas

Think it up!