Adrenaline Ninja Street Fury

What am I thinking with this one? Well... it's all real DnD and modern vibes. Like what? Well, what about d20 Modern or what they started to do with Star Wars Saga Edition? What about TMNT & OS, Ninjas & Superspies? What about some of Kevin Crawford's ideas, maybe from Cities Without Number? What about Vigilante City? What if you could do something like Capcom World Tournament done right? What if the there was anything possibly useful in the GI Joe RPG? What if there was anything in the current WotC SRDs that are now under Creative Commons? Is there anything fun that could be brewed up out of these ingredients? I'm even a bit intrigued by Mutants in the Now, a love letter to TMNT & OS that has a totally different system. It's a big mix of materials... is there anything really cool there? I honestly don't know, but Adrenaline Ninja Street Fury is me thinking about it!

So, as vast as that is, is there any more focus to it? Well, I want it to basically be modern action, and my fictional home base is in '80s - '90s cartoons and comics. Even some of the stuff Feng Shui covers, but in a way more pleasing to me.

Bullet-pointed Brain Storming

Let's do it.